Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thoughts regarding the slaughter of animals

Sometimes I sit in meditation and thoughts regarding specific subjects come to me.
This time I like to share my thoughts regarding the slaughter of animals.

It is necessary to apply rituals during  slaughter.
They are mend to give attention and respect to the animal offering itself.
Thanks needs to be said and the animal needs to be killed respectfully.
The meat needs cooling off and thanks needs to be said once more before it can be eaten.

Life's energy, like love, continues to flow.  By the dead of the animal the human can live.
Remember this and take notice!

Mass production is unclean and does not produce life. Instead it activates illness.

The women and men preparing the food  have a task too.
They need to transfer and educate the principle of thanks.
They need to prepare the meat with love and care, otherwise they should not bother.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4th of May

4th of May; another day where moms cry.

On de site of  I listened to  the talk of Phyllis Rodriguez and Aicha el-Wafi .
Two moms who carry grief and longing for their child.
Rodriguez' son was killed in the World Trade Center attacks on September 11, 2001; El-Wafi's son Zacarias Moussaoui was convicted of a role in those attacks and is serving a life sentence.
These moms joined hands and are pleading to end the ways of violence.

On each  4th day in May, at 20.00 hrs in Holland we remember the death.
During 2 minutes of silence we remember all  who died due to reasons of war.
We remember those who died as victim or liberator.  
But there is another group too.
The group of ‘grown up children’ who set their deeds as well, causing havoc and death.
They too were or are some one’s child; they too had or have moms mourning them.

Every moment 'children' act.
Please ‘children’ be aware of the voice of your heart;  be aware what thoughts of anger, envy and hatred can result into. Please before you act listen to the voice of your soul.

A child is born
A mom smiles
A child cries
A mom responds
A child needs
 A mom gives
A child acts
A mom adjusts
A child grows up
A mom worries
A child dies
Moms cry.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Human ..... dare to live!

Listening to this old Dutch song I felt the urge to translate some of the verses:

Human...dare to live!

People they tell you  to follow rules.
They proclaim: this should be the way to live!
You are allowed to see him, but not her,
That one is beneath us,
That one you should marry
(even if you don’t like to).
There you should live.
That is the only decent thing.
If you don’t you will be ignored,
like you did something real bad.
I ask you: “ is this living”?

Life is great,
Life is beautiful.
Dare to fly,
Do not crawl into a cage.
Human dare to live!
Keep your head held high,
Your nose in the wind,
Do not always listen to what others might think.
Keep your heart filled with warmth and love,
Be proud of  yourself,
Be your own ruler,
Cause what you are looking for,
No one else can give…..
Human dare to live!