Somewhere I read that one should focus in life on the positive, and in people focus on the negative.
A bit confusing but what came across to me was that the writer does not seem to have much faith in people, including him or herself as he/she is one of us people.
The writer does not seem to realize that by focusing on the negatives in people it will be hard to see other aspects which can make life positive.
This kind of focus will increase disruptive thoughts and emotions thus draining the love and joy the writer can experience too.
Sure people say all kinds of things and show all kinds of behavior.
And part of it is not kind nor pretty, it is harsh and un-fair but as an individual you can choose a different response.
You can decide to show compassion, to think what you would do if you stand in the shoes of; if you would be in certain conditions or situations and how you would like to be treated.
Where needed adequate correction needs to take place but this can be done without disruptive negative energy, without hate and bitterness. It can be done by showing compassion.
We are human beings, implicating we can learn to be humane.
Let us focus on a humane humanity.
Welcome to life!