Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The worth of a woman

This little story needs to be told. No blasphemy intended.

While God was creating woman an angel passed by and asked why this creation took so much time.
God asked if the angel had seen all specifications needed to complete this task.
“She needs to washable but not made of plastic. She has more than 200 moving parts which all need to be replacable. She needs to be able to function on different kinds of food, hold several children at once and to pass out hugs needed to heal silvered knees and broken harts.”
The angel was real impressed.
“All this with two hands only? That seems impossible to do. This is a standard version?
That needs more time still, just rest for now.”
I don't want to said God. I am so close to perfecting this creation. This will be my heart’s favorite.
The angel came more close and touched the woman and said: ”But is is soft”.
“Yes” was God’s reply. “I have made her soft but she is strong too. You cannot imagine what she can endure en recover from. She can heal herself and work 18 hours a day if needed.”
“Can she think?” was the angels next question.
And the reply was “She can think, reason and communicate.”
The angel touched her again and pointed out there was some kind of leak. The woman seemed to carry too much burden.
God answered “No there is no leak… that is a tear”.
The angel asked to what purpose.
And heard “  At times tears are her way of expressing her thoughts and emotions of sadness, doubt, love, loneliness,suffering and pride.”
The angel found all specifications very impressive and declared God to be a genius.
"The woman is fantastic".

And that she is J
Men keep on being amazed (and some afraid) when they notice the strenght of  a woman.  
A woman can deal with difficulties and carry burdens. She has  love to give as well as an opinion.
She can sing when she wants to cry, she can cry when she is happy and she can smile when afraid.
She fights for what she believes in and stands up to injustice. She does not accept ‘no’ for an aswer when a better solution is possible.
For the sake of her family she is willing to offer herself.
Even when her heart is broken she finds a way to continue.
She knows love can heal a broken heart.
There is something she tends to forget:………………. her worth!

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