Saturday, June 23, 2012

Does life have meaning?

During certain moments, due to certain experiences this question is asked by many.
We all are human and we all have our own possibilities to experience life on our own way.
Is there a definite answer to be given?
My answer:

Each moment I can decide if life has meaning.
Each moment I can decide to feel.
Each moment I can decide what to believe.
Each moment I can decide what to say.
Each moment I can decide what to do.
Each moment I can decide how to behave.
Each moment I can decide to accept.
Each moment I can decide to give meaning to my life.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Another message of Maria

Love and harmony are hard to come by for those who attach themselves to their thoughts.
Acceptance of what is, will guide and protect you from harm.
Instead it will bring out your abilities and activates you to use all your resources.
Worries are for the poor of heart; your love source is present.
Find joy and laughter in the small things you encounter and experience.
Be aware of your strength!
Allow yourself our support.
The time is ripe.
The time has come for love to show.
It is important for you all to understand this.
Every aspect of your inner self understands and knowledges this, but you are kept behind due to your overload of thoughts. 
Release them.
Enter the power of your heart and join us in caring, compassion and commitment.
Be warned my precious fellows, know your power is imense when released.
Open your hearts, dim your thoughts and tune in to combine hearth, soul and mind.
Let your light shine!

In peace.