Friday, February 17, 2012

I believe

I believe I can decide to give meaning to my life or not.
I believe I create beliefs and behavior to that accord.
I believe I am spirit living a human life.
I believe as spirit I have chosen to develop, to progress via learning experiences and that’s why I enrolled in this school called human life.
I believe to live life to the fullest I needed and need experiences to teach me what and how to do.
I believe there is no failure, there are discoveries only to show me what works and what does not.
I believe that as spiritual human being I receive all kinds of internal and external signals to make me aware of my feelings and thoughts, my abilities and my choices. 
I believe I am multidimensional and operate cosmically & terrestrially in many different formats of reality within the eternal 'Now'. 
I believe time is a purposed illusion and there is a constant subconscious communication between my multi-selves.
I believe each thought, each sensation has a magnetic frequency. 
I believe the resonant of these thought/feeling frequencies will attract  similar vibrations and the more attention & focus I give the more powerful  it becomes. 
I believe this applies to negative and positive thoughts and my energy (auric) field will vibrate accordingly.
I believe I cannot just ignore or wish away my lessons to develop, to evolve.
I believe others are here to help me understand how I can act and react.
I believe others teach me by showing how they deal with their experiences.
I believe in order for me to progress I have to accept the invitation I get from life and to face the lessons offered.
I believe I do not have to like every experience but until a lesson is faced it will repeat itself in one form or another over and over again, until it is completed and mastered.
I believe by accepting the invite I can create the energy needed to learn.
I believe whenever I seek to avoid the responsibility for my own actions, I generally do so by attempting to give that responsibility, that 'blame', to some other individual, group or cause.
I believe that I in that process of shifting blame, unconsciously give away my power and that I take away the ownership that allows me to 're-create'.
I believe the closer I come to the light, the more I get to see what is hidden in the dark.
And if I fear the dark? I believe the more I learn to accept my responsibility the more strength I develop to look my fear into the eyes.
I believe I give meaning to my life.

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