Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SRT seminar with Robert Detzler

I received a request to write some words about the two day SRT seminar in Germany I was fortunate to attend last weekend and am happy to oblige.

This inspiring and instructive seminar was given by Robert Detzler whose energy and words touched my heart and consciousness.

Robert is known as the founder of the healing technique SRT.
Mind you one of the first things he pointed out to me was that not he but Spirit is the founder and Robert merely the instrument. 
As he pointed out when you  open up to Spirit, through you others get the possibility to open up too.
We are made of Spirit and are in Spirit.
Does this mean SRT is a religious technique?  I would say; No but at the same time I see the message of a positive loving energy.
Robert’s words reminds us that we are of spiritual nature working through and are in connection with all kinds of energy systems. This reminds us that we are not alone but live in connection with eachother. And that each of us is a person with her or his own blue-print; own uniqueness. 

This again reminds me of a saying of the Dalai Lama. He states that If you are trying to curb your selfish motives like anger etc. and try to develop more kindness and compassion, you ultimately benefit the most. Therefore he  advises selfish people to be selfish wisely. Foolish selfish people are always thinking of themselves and the result is negative.  Wise selfish people think about others, help as much as they can, with the result that they themselves benefit too.

Let me tell you something about SRT.
The technique of SRT activates your energetic life source, your inner power, your nature.
It finds the blocks or interferences which are a cause for your trouble, problems or complaints.
It creates the possibility for you to open  up your heart and let its energy connect with your thoughts.
It brings you more and more in touch with your body.
It activates listening to the signals your body sends you .
It activates you to understand more and more the positive and negative influence your thoughts, ideas, intentions, emotions, feelings, words and deeds  hold.  
You will become more and more aware of their power and possibilities activating your healing.
You will understand more and more the impact the energy of the above influences have on your every-day life and feelings of happiness.

I'll tell you one more thing: I'm working with SRT for many years and it surely increased mine well being and through me that of many others J

Thursday, September 15, 2011


To me friendship is a special form of relationship based on a mutual interest and respect.

I share many kinds of friendship at different levels of intimacy.  
With some friends I  go shopping, with  others  I go to clubs, concerts or theater.
I exchange thoughts and opinions.  I share laughter and good times.

With some of them I share ‘more’.
Some special friends I go to when in need of advice or a hug as they have the ability to give an opinion without condemning my thoughts or actions.  With them I hold  a relation that is based on mutual trust and holding open hearts and ears.  
It’s the kind of relation that has grown through time and took a lot of our investment.
For sure having that kind of friendship was and is not an easy thing to do. Because at moments  when I or they feel insecure or when in pain, our words and deeds can make the other feel like being under attack or abandoned.  
Such moments need the ability to be honest, it needs the dare to look at oneself and to admit the  ‘unpleasant’ thoughts and feelings we hold.  

At times in order for a friendship to continue we need to apologise and sometimes friendships come to an end.
Even at the end of a friendship the ability to being a friend can show by not betraying the trust which was there; by not speaking out badly nor revealing secrets shared.

Like Rollo May once said:
There is an energy field between humans. And, when we reach out in passion, it is met with an answering passion and changes the relationship forever.

Monday, September 5, 2011


I was asked: “how does one become happy, or what makes a person happy”.
I was asked to write down my opinion.

I noticed a smile on my face when reading the question.
About ‘Happiness’ many books are written, music and films made. Search for the word on the internet and you will find many opinions.
But you  questioner, you prefer my opinion.
Thank you for the question, thank you cause  you value my opinion and like to read it. This makes me happy.

To me 'to be happy' has many shapes en originates out of many situations.
To me 'to be happy' is an idea.
I decide myself when and if I am happy.
I decide what makes me happy, what I need to be happy and for how long I am happy.
It is my thought.

I can look around and compare myself to others. I can consider their opinion or how  they might think of me and value that to be the most important.
I can create the idea that I need this or that first like a ring, car, house, lots of money etc. and after obtaining  I will be happy.
I can create the idea that I need to be in a certain position first like holding a certain job or that I need to be married, or to be a mom or dad first. Or that I need to be alone or perhaps divorced before I am happy.
I can start thinking: oh too bad, poor me, now or in the future I cannot……., what will happen if………
In this way I undermine myself and create low self-esteem. I create emotions of gloom and sadness. Slowly but surely I set myself stuck.

I can make the choice to act on an other way.
I can start at the beginning and think: It is as it is. I am who I am, I’ve got what I’ve got, I do what I can and for all I am grateful.  At this moment it is sufficient and I am satisfied.
I do this daily.
In this way I value myself and notice feelings of joy and inner strength more and more. I empower myself. Slowly but surely I create energy and movement.

I decide what makes me happy.
I decide if I am happy.