Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2012 : Year of the Dragon

I have read and heard many opinions regarding 2012 and I like to share the following from the
Chinese Zodiac.

The next zodiac year begins on January 23, 2012 and ends on February 9, 2013 and is named the year of the Dragon. 
The Dragon is a creature of myth and legend.  In ancient China, the celestial Dragon represents an emperor and  power. Today, it  is the ultimate auspicious symbol signifying success and happiness.  

All five of the Chinese Dragon years (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) tend to magnify both success and failure. They can mark huge achievement but disasters can be equally immense.  For example the Year of the Fire Dragon (1917, 1976, and 2036) stands for  the most havoc.

But the Year of the Water Dragon (1992, 1952 and 2012) is noted for its calm, visionary intelligence, and balances the creativity of the right brain with the logic of the left.
The Water dragon is an innovative, fearless leader sensitive to others’ needs.
This Dragon is more likely to be progressive and diplomatic, is a successful negotiator and socially and environmentally conscious. 

Water bestows a more peaceful disposition indicating this Dragon will act wisely and intelligently, and unlike his fellow Dragons, is willing to set aside his ego for the good of all.
But when needed this Dragon knows how to apply force skillfully.

On the down side, the Water Dragon sometimes forgets to build a solid foundation for his grand plans, holding on too long to ideas and plans thus creating disaster. Globally one could think of  problems to do with water.
But of all the Dragon years, the 2012 Water Dragon is most likely to bestow the Chinese blessings like harmony, virtue, riches, fulfillment and longevity, indicating that 2012 will be about breakthroughs.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I choose

This poem (unkown autor) was passed to me by a friend and worth to share.

I choose:  
to live by choice, not by chance.
To make changes, not excuses.
To be motivated, not manipulated.
To be useful, not used.
To excel, not compete.
I choose self-esteem, not self-pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice;
not to the random opinions of others.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What if

What if I do not pass my exams?
What if I stay single?
What if I marry too soon?
What if I break up with …?
What if I do not find a job?
What if I do not succeed in marrying rich?
What if I cannot buy all what I like?
What if I have to leave the country?
What if ………………..?
We ask ourselves many times ‘what if’ and when we answer these questions with thoughts of doubt, doom, despair we activate fearful thoughts and emotions. Without wanting to we tune into the energies which undermine our creativity and inner strength. Thus when we experience something which is not to our liking we find it difficult to deal with the situation at hand. We see darkness instead of light. By replying with fear to ‘what if’ we allow our power to diminish.
Luckily we can answer our ‘what if’question in a different way. We can make the choice to reply as follows: “I am capable to deal with whatever comes onto my path. My creative force will help me now and always!”  We can value ourselves and our abillities.
What if........................I'll deal with it  :-)

Monday, October 31, 2011


In our world more and more commotion is going on to activate the heart consciousness of mankind.
People and situations are asking us to become alert, to find truth in our heart, to form opinions and to act accordingly. 
It is asking us as well  to do so with care as injuries can happen.

Emotions appear and happenings take place seemingly without reason,  invoking ‘why’ questions.
Many of us are and will be asked to use their knowledge and insights as they go through moments of darkness.
We are  asked  to cast off fear, doubt and limiting beliefs.  
We are asked us to find our inner voice and to speak out, to share hope, optimism and cooperation.
We are asked to shine our light.

For some this light may seem invisible or far away but please remember light is present always. For example when you sleep in the darkness of the night at the opposite side of the earth others are busy in the day.
Remember to stay courageous and to find the match to light your dark room.

Please open your lines of compassion and self strengthening.
Transcend you personal emotional pain and do what is needed and possible.
Let freedom win.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Universal Spirit

I like to share the words of Stephen J. Serva Dei
My dreams are
my thoughts
clothed in images
awaiting the
power of realization
which I know must
come through the
self-same Law
that enables me to
dream my dreams
think my thoughts
and breath the
life of Spirit into them
as the fulfillment of
the Universal Spirit expressing
itself through Me.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Time to un-stress

I read a Dutch article about men who tend to spend time in their barn or shed or at times busy themselves somewhere else with something to do to their own liking.
To some of their wives, family-members or others it seemed as they were withdrawing from the relationship while the men involved pointed out they did not.  They pointed out that after a certain period of work they needed time to relax; to un-stress.

I  think this applies to men and women.
Daily many of us involve ourselves in the busy hustle of life. We encounter other people, we deal with different  situations needing our attention, our involvement and energy. 
Making  decisions, working according to a certain routine or standard  can over-activate our stress level and slurp the energy from body, mind and soul.
When energy is running away we need  time to slow down, time for ourselves to reflect , time to let go of tension and to get our energy flowing in a healthy rhythm once again.

There are many ways to un-stress.
Some people un-stress by playing a sport, via a hobby, reading, watching a movie, meditation or other forms. 
Some increase their consumption of alcohol or food….. No here I have to make a correction. When we have created this habit we are not un-stressing but we’ve  acquired a habit to fool ourselves.

Because we are who we are, not everyone has or can understand this need.
Some of us do not seem to experience stressful thoughts or emotions. They tend to deal with their energy on a different way and some never bother to ask themselves if and how.

As for the well being of ourselves and the relation we have with others I advise to explain this need to your partner, family-members or friend(s).  Giving them a chance to support you, to take time out too (perhaps at different moments) and to pull you back when you forget you are not alone on this world J 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Does your body speak?

Our body is our friend.
Our body shows us how we treat ourselves.
It shows us too what’s happening inside.
With the help of our cell-memories our body remembers what’s going on.
When something happens and it is not perceived as being in  accordance with our normal way, our body reacts.
It reacts with the help of prickles.
We tend to call this damage, obstruction or illness.
We want the prickle to go quickly as it stands in our way.
We are not able to do what we normally do, we find the prickle negative.
We want to get rid of it; the sooner the better and we look for a remedy.
The prickle is not allowed to be!
At that moment we do not realise we fail ourselves.
We fail because we do not respect ourselves by paying  attention to the mindfulness of our body.
We do not use the moment to enlarge our consciousness and  to regard the prickle as a sign.
An indication to look at ourselves and ask: “is it possible that I need to be aware of something? Do I need to listen to my feelings or change my opinion? Do I need to adjust my behavior?”
I am asking you: “does your body speak”?

Friday, October 7, 2011

You are

To love yourself truly is not always easy
At times it seems too hard to do
Other times it will be pure enjoyment and beauty.

Light is your essence
Discover and allow it to stream.
Love is there always
It is waiting to be found.

Acknowledge all your colours
Including the darker ones
Do not hide by blaming others
Accept your share and where needed apologise
Work on forgiving yourself your wrong doings
And to forgive others theirs.

Free your chains of discordant energies
Free yourself of suffering, fear and anxiety
Ask yourself what makes me hold on
And break the self-damaging chains
Undo yourself of the illusion.

You can be clear
You are made of Spirit and are in Spirit
You are made from  the vibrating energy of love and light
You are.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SRT seminar with Robert Detzler

I received a request to write some words about the two day SRT seminar in Germany I was fortunate to attend last weekend and am happy to oblige.

This inspiring and instructive seminar was given by Robert Detzler whose energy and words touched my heart and consciousness.

Robert is known as the founder of the healing technique SRT.
Mind you one of the first things he pointed out to me was that not he but Spirit is the founder and Robert merely the instrument. 
As he pointed out when you  open up to Spirit, through you others get the possibility to open up too.
We are made of Spirit and are in Spirit.
Does this mean SRT is a religious technique?  I would say; No but at the same time I see the message of a positive loving energy.
Robert’s words reminds us that we are of spiritual nature working through and are in connection with all kinds of energy systems. This reminds us that we are not alone but live in connection with eachother. And that each of us is a person with her or his own blue-print; own uniqueness. 

This again reminds me of a saying of the Dalai Lama. He states that If you are trying to curb your selfish motives like anger etc. and try to develop more kindness and compassion, you ultimately benefit the most. Therefore he  advises selfish people to be selfish wisely. Foolish selfish people are always thinking of themselves and the result is negative.  Wise selfish people think about others, help as much as they can, with the result that they themselves benefit too.

Let me tell you something about SRT.
The technique of SRT activates your energetic life source, your inner power, your nature.
It finds the blocks or interferences which are a cause for your trouble, problems or complaints.
It creates the possibility for you to open  up your heart and let its energy connect with your thoughts.
It brings you more and more in touch with your body.
It activates listening to the signals your body sends you .
It activates you to understand more and more the positive and negative influence your thoughts, ideas, intentions, emotions, feelings, words and deeds  hold.  
You will become more and more aware of their power and possibilities activating your healing.
You will understand more and more the impact the energy of the above influences have on your every-day life and feelings of happiness.

I'll tell you one more thing: I'm working with SRT for many years and it surely increased mine well being and through me that of many others J

Thursday, September 15, 2011


To me friendship is a special form of relationship based on a mutual interest and respect.

I share many kinds of friendship at different levels of intimacy.  
With some friends I  go shopping, with  others  I go to clubs, concerts or theater.
I exchange thoughts and opinions.  I share laughter and good times.

With some of them I share ‘more’.
Some special friends I go to when in need of advice or a hug as they have the ability to give an opinion without condemning my thoughts or actions.  With them I hold  a relation that is based on mutual trust and holding open hearts and ears.  
It’s the kind of relation that has grown through time and took a lot of our investment.
For sure having that kind of friendship was and is not an easy thing to do. Because at moments  when I or they feel insecure or when in pain, our words and deeds can make the other feel like being under attack or abandoned.  
Such moments need the ability to be honest, it needs the dare to look at oneself and to admit the  ‘unpleasant’ thoughts and feelings we hold.  

At times in order for a friendship to continue we need to apologise and sometimes friendships come to an end.
Even at the end of a friendship the ability to being a friend can show by not betraying the trust which was there; by not speaking out badly nor revealing secrets shared.

Like Rollo May once said:
There is an energy field between humans. And, when we reach out in passion, it is met with an answering passion and changes the relationship forever.

Monday, September 5, 2011


I was asked: “how does one become happy, or what makes a person happy”.
I was asked to write down my opinion.

I noticed a smile on my face when reading the question.
About ‘Happiness’ many books are written, music and films made. Search for the word on the internet and you will find many opinions.
But you  questioner, you prefer my opinion.
Thank you for the question, thank you cause  you value my opinion and like to read it. This makes me happy.

To me 'to be happy' has many shapes en originates out of many situations.
To me 'to be happy' is an idea.
I decide myself when and if I am happy.
I decide what makes me happy, what I need to be happy and for how long I am happy.
It is my thought.

I can look around and compare myself to others. I can consider their opinion or how  they might think of me and value that to be the most important.
I can create the idea that I need this or that first like a ring, car, house, lots of money etc. and after obtaining  I will be happy.
I can create the idea that I need to be in a certain position first like holding a certain job or that I need to be married, or to be a mom or dad first. Or that I need to be alone or perhaps divorced before I am happy.
I can start thinking: oh too bad, poor me, now or in the future I cannot……., what will happen if………
In this way I undermine myself and create low self-esteem. I create emotions of gloom and sadness. Slowly but surely I set myself stuck.

I can make the choice to act on an other way.
I can start at the beginning and think: It is as it is. I am who I am, I’ve got what I’ve got, I do what I can and for all I am grateful.  At this moment it is sufficient and I am satisfied.
I do this daily.
In this way I value myself and notice feelings of joy and inner strength more and more. I empower myself. Slowly but surely I create energy and movement.

I decide what makes me happy.
I decide if I am happy.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How can we reduce an unhealthy stress level?

We can laugh :-)
Laughter boosts our immune system and lowers blood pressure.
Did you forget how to?
Call a humorous friend or rent a funny dvd.
We can sing out loud.

Let's pay attention to what we do.
Focus your attention on what you’re doing. This will keep your mind from drifting to more stressful thoughts. And is it something you do not like? Keep focussed to finish it quickly.

We can listen.
Listen to soothing music.
Listen to calming visualizations and meditations.
We can listen to our voice. Do you speak in a hurry? Reduce and talk more slowly.
Listen to your words. Do you use can’t, awful, loser, boring etc. a lot? Change and use more and more positive words.

We can take a bit more care of our inner and outer appearance.
We can wear clean clothes in bright colours or with bright accessories
We can have a regular haircut and a relaxing facial. (you can make your own)
We can walk, bike, exercise a bit daily (depending on wheater conditions we can do it in- or outdoors).
We can use less artificial sweets; eat and drink (more) fresh fruits, vegetables etc.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I wonder: am I aware?

When I look: do I see?
When I hear: do I listen?
When I touch: do I feel?
When I eat: do I taste?
When I am close: do I smell?

Am I aware. ……Truly?

When I look back: will I remember?

I wonder: are you aware?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Love hurts

Lately I have come across many actions and reactions  of people who say or do things in the name of love.
They say they love but when I look at their words , their deeds  I wonder:  “Do they understand love? Do they understand themselves?  Do they understand love or do  believe they do?
Do they act and react out of what they consider love”?

I’m asking “ is this loving”:
-           You do what I think is the best ……
-          If you do not do what I think is the best for you …..
-          What will others say if they know…… Shame on you!
-          If you behave the way I or others want you to ……
-          You have hurt me because you…..
-          If you love me you should forget yourself and others completely
-          If you love me I should come first always
-          If you love me you can understand me totally and I can understand you
-          Because I love you ,you are mine

I wonder if  there’s a mix up somewhere.
Is ‘to force’ the same as ‘to love’?
Where did own responsibility go?
Where is:  I respect (form of loving) your choice, even if I do not agree nor behave accordingly?
Where did the right to make mistakes go?
Where is : I’ll be there?
 Where is: I’ll do my best to understand?
Where is:  let’s talk and explain?
Where is: can we  both compromise ? Will we?
Where is loving?

It seems love can be translated in many ways but  to me it comes down to this :
Love is neutral.
Love knows many forms.
Love  is simple and complicated.
Love is free.
Love is.

Loving is an ongoing process.
Loving is not easy.
And yes when you hold expectations of how it/she/he/they should be: loving hurts.

Monday, June 20, 2011

In memory

Life like water can stream and stop. 
Yesterday I celebrated the start of my life and I feel gratefull as many remembered the day.
I spend this day of birth with some dear friends here in Holland.
Together we shared a piece of cake in honor of my life.
Together too we shared thoughts and emotions.  
Emotions of joy and  grief, laughter and sadness.
Thoughts of life and death while remembering the life of a man called Aat.
His earthly life force had left him Wednesday last and Saturday his body was cremated.
He was a gentle quiet man. He was a person to rely on.
His family and others came to him for advise which he provided gladly.
He  would explain what could happen if they chose this or that without pushing them towards a certain direction.  He left the responsibility where it belonged; with them.
I felt special these last few days to listen to stories, to share emotions  and memories; to be part of such love and to experience that love flowing freely.
I feel proud to have known him and to have shared my birthday with him and his dear ones.
His body has left but his consciousness, his energy has been and will be shared as life streams.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ladies in Malaysia and Kuwait

In Malaysia a group of Muslim women say they will fight divorce, domestic violence and other problems  by appealing to wives to be more obedient.
In Kuwait a female political activist and former parliamentary candidate has recommended the legislation to the provision of enslaved female concubines for Muslim men in Kuwait. In a bid, she says, to protect those men from committing adultery or corruption.
When I read this my mind went  ????????
Bewilderment  is a word what comes up.
But let me see if I can understand what these ladies are aiming at.
The ladies, like all of us are influenced through nature and nurture.
Men and women are born out of women and unconsciously the child is influenced from the beginning.
We are influenced through our character, our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, feelings, our upbringing, parents, siblings, family, loved ones, teachers, institutions, rules, laws, circumstances etc. etc.
To me it looks like the ladies in Malaysia and Kuwait are searching for ways to experience stable loving relationships . The lady in Kuwait specifies protection.
All seem to look for a ways to undo hurt and harm.
All turn to other women to look for a solution.
In a way they seem to believe other women are holding the key to change.
They suggest that other women need to make a difference.
It seems they forgot to look at themselves.  Did they lose their ability to make a difference themselves or don't they know how? 
I like to tell these ladies that they are right when suggesting women can make a change.
Yes ladies in Malaysia and in Kuwait…..you can!
It takes courage, trust and respect.
Yes change is needed!
It starts by keeping condemnations at distance.
It starts through sharing experiences of love, harm and hurt. By saying out loud what is bothering the heart, mind and body.  
It starts through comparison of  ideas and beliefs. Not only of people you like and know but of others too. 
It starts through asking questions and through listening.
It starts by taking responsibility for words and deeds.
It needs standing up for one self and to support one another.
It needs to look the fear in the eyes!
Yes ladies you can create love and protection. Please start!

Articles :

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thoughts regarding the slaughter of animals

Sometimes I sit in meditation and thoughts regarding specific subjects come to me.
This time I like to share my thoughts regarding the slaughter of animals.

It is necessary to apply rituals during  slaughter.
They are mend to give attention and respect to the animal offering itself.
Thanks needs to be said and the animal needs to be killed respectfully.
The meat needs cooling off and thanks needs to be said once more before it can be eaten.

Life's energy, like love, continues to flow.  By the dead of the animal the human can live.
Remember this and take notice!

Mass production is unclean and does not produce life. Instead it activates illness.

The women and men preparing the food  have a task too.
They need to transfer and educate the principle of thanks.
They need to prepare the meat with love and care, otherwise they should not bother.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4th of May

4th of May; another day where moms cry.

On de site of Ted.com  I listened to  the talk of Phyllis Rodriguez and Aicha el-Wafi .
Two moms who carry grief and longing for their child.
Rodriguez' son was killed in the World Trade Center attacks on September 11, 2001; El-Wafi's son Zacarias Moussaoui was convicted of a role in those attacks and is serving a life sentence.
These moms joined hands and are pleading to end the ways of violence.

On each  4th day in May, at 20.00 hrs in Holland we remember the death.
During 2 minutes of silence we remember all  who died due to reasons of war.
We remember those who died as victim or liberator.  
But there is another group too.
The group of ‘grown up children’ who set their deeds as well, causing havoc and death.
They too were or are some one’s child; they too had or have moms mourning them.

Every moment 'children' act.
Please ‘children’ be aware of the voice of your heart;  be aware what thoughts of anger, envy and hatred can result into. Please before you act listen to the voice of your soul.

A child is born
A mom smiles
A child cries
A mom responds
A child needs
 A mom gives
A child acts
A mom adjusts
A child grows up
A mom worries
A child dies
Moms cry.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Human ..... dare to live!

Listening to this old Dutch song I felt the urge to translate some of the verses:

Human...dare to live!

People they tell you  to follow rules.
They proclaim: this should be the way to live!
You are allowed to see him, but not her,
That one is beneath us,
That one you should marry
(even if you don’t like to).
There you should live.
That is the only decent thing.
If you don’t you will be ignored,
like you did something real bad.
I ask you: “ is this living”?

Life is great,
Life is beautiful.
Dare to fly,
Do not crawl into a cage.
Human dare to live!
Keep your head held high,
Your nose in the wind,
Do not always listen to what others might think.
Keep your heart filled with warmth and love,
Be proud of  yourself,
Be your own ruler,
Cause what you are looking for,
No one else can give…..
Human dare to live!